Chalmers Conferences, 9th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology

Combinatorial Aspects of Parker’s model
Chris Cannings

Last modified: 2014-06-09


Individuals are located at the vertices of the (simple) graph G = (V; E), and at time t play either 0 or 1. At time (t + 1) an
individual will play 0 if, and only if, more of their neighbours were playing 0 at timet than were playing 1 at time t. This is
the Majority Game, and we shall assume that all vertices have odd degree so that there is never equal numbers of 0s and 1s
amongst neighbours. This game is a special case of a threshold game and so the system must converge to fixed point or to a
two cycle. We shall explore features of the dynamics on some particular regular graphs, most importantly the hypercube. The
Minority game is dual to this. At (t + 1) an individual will play 0 if, and only if, more of their neighbours were playing 1 at
time t than were playing 0 at time t. We shall briefly examine some of the consequences of having a mixture of majority players
and minority players, when the dynamics is more complex than the homogeneous game.


majority/minority game, dynamics, thresholds, cycles.