Conference Archives


Chalmers Architecture

Gothenburg, SE

2012-11-12 – 2012-11-14

On behalf of the Centre for Healthcare Architecture (CVA) and the Nordic Research Network for Healthcare Architecture we would like to invite you to our International Conference ARCH12 and Forum Vårdbyggnad Nordic Conference 2012.

The Nordic countries, as many other EU countries, are entering a period of major investments in new Healthcare Architecture. The reason for this is rapid and dramatic changes in the health care system according to a profound focus on patient centred care and organisational development towards open clinic structures instead of inpatient hospital care, which in turn claims a strong support from an adapted physical environment.

The amount and quality of research on Healthcare Architecture has grown rapidly in recent years. However, there are still many questions for which good knowledge is lacking. The commission therefore both is to make existing international research knowledge available as well as carrying out research projects focusing more specifically on the healthcare situation in a variety of contexts. The conference aims to bring researchers and practitioners from across disciplines and countries to discuss the following themes:

Healing Architecture/Supportive Environments
Urban Design and Health
Planning and implementation Processes 
Housing and Care for Elderly
Hospital Design
Extending the Hospital
Teaching Healthcare Design
The conference will take place at Chalmers University of Technology and is a joint event between Chalmers University of Technology, the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg and the Swedish Association Forum Vårdbyggnad. 

We look forward to seeing you in Gothenburg!

adj. Professor, CVA Center director

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