Chalmers Conferences, NU 2012

Fostering sustainable intercultural group collaboration across time and space in higher education. Promoting a digital dialogic approach on knowledge building and knowledge sharing
Elsebeth Korsgaard Sorensen

Last modified: 2014-09-11


Today’s global society is facing a variety of new educational challenges. One major challenge is the establishment of educational systems, which will be suited for offering the kind of educational opportunities that will promote and sustain modern educational quality and competencies, such as a creative mindset and a corresponding ability to innovate. Needless to say, the education challenge also includes pedagogical and strategic use and implementation of technology for the prosperity and sustainability of human creativity in education in a global and digitized age. We need new networked educational models that integrate and tie creative education and research – and we need the authentic participation of stakeholders. This position carries along serious implications for design and invites novel creative pedagogical concepts and methods to be applied in the cross-disciplinary and educational systems of the future. This talk explores, describes and suggests eLearning designs and the adequacy of a range of non-authoritarian ePedagogies for fostering sustainable global, democratic citizenship within higher and continuing education. Models, which maintain and make a plea for participant dialogue as a parameter of quality in innovative teaching/learning models and as a key resource in learning trajectories.