Last modified: 2012-05-11
West Sweden Network for Flexible Learning (VKF) is a network for collaboration on flexible learning founded in the mid-1990´s. It includes the 8 universities in Gothenburg, Halmstad, Borås, Skövde, Jönköping, Karlstad, Väst and Chalmers. The network mission is two folded; inspire and develop best-practice in flexible learning and to colloborate with the surronding society on needs and use of flexible learning. Region Västra Götaland have been a close partner and project sponsor for several years, took an interest and connected to the EARLALL network of regions and universities around Europe for a project. The VKF network suggested a joint project to universities and regions in the EARLALL network in September 2011. And the selected topics for the project were: a) Impact of using social media in flexible learning and b) Webbinars, use and possibilities in flexible learning. But to be able to develop a project over these two issues VKF and the partners need to set them into a context and to specify what to develop knowledge on and learn more about. Selected was LMS take a variety of forms from paid software solutions, Open-Source versions and individual solutions developed in-house. Regardless of type, there are four common issues with LMS and e-learning solutions and they are: 1) the quality of learning 2) integration with existing external platforms 3) formalizing informal learning 4) ubiquitous access to learning platforms regardless of device and 5) semantic aspects.
The second issue deals primarily with the need for better integration and use of existing popular social platforms. Regardless of thoughts and opinions, these tools are already being used, researched, and implemented in learning situations. The primary issue is that learning and the control of learning tools frequently takes place in parallel systems, i.e. in an LMS as well as in FaceBook, Twitter, etc. Because most of the larger social media outlets have extensive APIs the solution is to integrate social media platforms into LMS’s in order to streamline course instruction and make social media within LMS a transparent process. Interesting aspects on this is Google+ Hangouts (
At the round table discussion we present and discuss the development of the project, selected issues to work on with the partners and the results thus far. Since this project is in progress and the ambition is to work jointly for many years. For the improvement of performance in flexible learning and practices at involved universities.