Chalmers Conferences, Transvaluation: Making the world matter

Bringin Out the Beast(s) - Supporting and engendering transvaluing practices within academia
Henric Benesch

Last modified: 2015-08-17


This essay explores the tension between the poetics of value and the politics of value in the context provided by an experimental seminar-series Heritage-asCommon(s) – Common(s) as Heritage within Critical Heritage Studies at the University of Gothenburg, and it´s following publication, scrutinizing some of the ramifications and challenges of transvaluation within academia of today. The focus of the essay is the seminar as device or apparatus and how it might support and engender transvaluing practices within a research-climate, which at best can be characterized as paradoxical. Here the Chimaera, the beast of beasts, is used as figure to rethink and reconceptualise this landscape, as model and in a certain performative sense – as method as well.


Seminars; Publications; Transvaluation; Knowledge production; Chimaera


Agamben, G. 2009. “What is an apparatus?” and Other essays. Stanford: Stanford University Press

Fleck, L. 1981. Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

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