Chalmers Conferences, Transvaluation: Making the world matter

The technician, the activist, the researcher and the teacher. Towards a transvaluation operating system.
Verena Lenna

Last modified: 2015-08-20


In the current regime of precarity a variety of urban practices are being experimented, triggered by the inefficiencies of the welfare state, at the same time providing the stage for political expression and the elaboration of new values and forms of living.

Urbanists and architects are increasingly involved in this kind of practices which question their role in relation to politically and technically aware, proactive communities. Very often they simultaneously work within academia as researchers or as teachers.

I argue the intersection between practice and the academic realm is very fruitful not only in terms of empowerment of the urban experiments in course, but also as an essential premise for the processes of  knowledge elaboration and ultimately for the institutional critique. Aim of the paper is to envision new research frameworks enabling the dialectical continuity of the world-making - world-thinking processes.


transvaluation; urbanism; research; engagement; institutional critique


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