Chalmers Conferences, Transvaluation: Making the world matter

Restless Innovation Mapping the ontogenetic opportunities of creative change
Jamie Brassett

Last modified: 2015-08-17


This paper will examine how innovation (the successful impacting of creativity) should respond to intellectual traditions outside of its normal purview, in order to keep the creative engine of its activities vibrant. Drawing mainly from philosophy, but revolving around a single sentence from Arujun Appadurai’s ‘Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy’ – in which he asks refugees “not to let their imaginations rest too long” – this paper will argue for a theory and practice of innovation to be ‘restless’. A ‘restless’ innovation will have a number of particular characteristics, and this paper will note especially those that relate to its space. Not simply because the refugee noted by Appadurai is determined as such by its relation to space, but also because innovation will be determined by the spaces it creates and by which it is created. A ‘restless innovation’ will therefore be one that is topologically complex and ontogenic.


Appadurai; cartography; Deleuze and Guattari; innovation; ontogenesis; space


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