Chalmers Conferences, Transvaluation: Making the world matter

Technologies of Experience and Intravention: An Impossibly Floating Silent Room
Alberto Altés, Josep Garriga

Last modified: 2015-08-17


In relationship with the proposed dimensions of ‘worlding’ and ‘u-topos’, the paper aims at thinking through the collaborative process of conceiving and making an ‘impossible’ room inside Umeå School of Architecture: a small, more intimate, warm and silent space – a room that floats in the air – thought as an alternative to the excessively open, cold and loud spaces of the building. The room is at the same time a u-topian space and a practice of world transformation: an impossible room in relation to the difficulties of its materialization and to its performance as a critique of the discursive, regulatory and regulated space of the university; and an act of construction that operates not only through material re-arrangements and the physical transformation of the spaces of the school but also with important effects regarding symbolic capitals, relational ecologies, the lives of those involved, shared responsibilities and the establishment of the common.


Architectural Technology; Experience; Intravention; Affordance; Collaborative Practices; Movement


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