Chalmers Conferences, Transvaluation: Making the world matter

Turning Function into Form Historic shifts in Modernist Architects’ creative process.
Atli Magnus Seelow

Last modified: 2015-08-17


Since the so-called »type-debate« at the 1914 Werkbund Exhibition in Cologne – on individual versus standardized types – the discussion about turning Function into Form has been an important topic in Architectural Theory.

The aim of this contribution is to trace the historic shifts in the relationship between Function and Form: First, how Functional Thinking was turned into an Art Form; second, how Functional Analysis was applied to design and production processes; third, how Architectural Function was used as a social or political argument.

A comparison of the different aspects of the relationship between Function and Form may not only shed new light on the creative process in Modern Architecture. Looking at the historic shifts driving this re-evaluation of values – from Art to Science and Politics – may also serve as a stepstone towards a new poetic rethinking of the relationship of Function and Form that contemporary values may require.


Modern Architecture; Functionalism; Form; Art; Science; Politics.


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