Chalmers Conferences, Transvaluation: Making the world matter

Cultural Value of Architects in Homes and Neighbourhoods
Samuel Flora, Nishat Awan, Carolyn Butterworth, Sophie Handler, Jo Lintonbon

Last modified: 2015-08-18


This paper provides an account of the Cultural Value of Architecture in Homes and Neighbourhoods, (CVoA), a project developed with the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). The first stage of the project was a critical review of ‘grey literature’ since 2000, industry based research on the value of architecture subdivided into themes: overall value; health and wellbeing; neighbourhood cohesion and heritage and belonging. Findings from the review revealed a marked absence of evidence of the value of architecture and an over preoccupation with the final building, the product of an interdisciplinary team not just Architects, as well as a general confusion about what it is that Architects do. Further consultation has led to the development of a framework for defining and communicating the skillsets of Architects and for developing an evidence base for their value. Our target audience is non-Architects as we are concerned with making the profession more inclusive hence our desire to create simple definitions and terminology.


Architect; value; professional; wellbeing; neighbourhoods; community


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