Chalmers Conferences, Transvaluation: Making the world matter

The Fragmentary Demand
Ida Sandström

Last modified: 2015-08-18


‘The fragmentary demand’ was first used as a term by Maurice Blanchot to describe a thinking that refuses all attempts to be comprised into a greater whole. I make the expression an entry to a discussion on contemporary makings of public space, characterized by an experimental and designerly take on heterogeneity. The paper evolves around ‘Superkilen’, a recent public space project in Copenhagen, in addition it introduces ‘Die Grosse Weltausstellung’ an installation at the former airfield Tempelhof, Berlin. Although different in terms of temporality, both projects are heavily influenced by artistic approaches in their play with post- and transnational formations. Drawing primarily on Jean-Luc Nancy’s notion of being-in-common (2000), this paper seeks to move beyond the conception of fragmentation as sole separation by combining en analysis of designerly searches for forms of community based on difference and multiplicity, with inquiries on mundane practises of connection and touch beyond representation.


Archival Space; Designed Fragmentation; Jean Luc Nancy; Being-in-common


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