Chalmers Conferences, Transvaluation: Making the world matter

Daring the Uncertain - Spaces of learning within the architectural education
Johanna Sofia Gullberg

Last modified: 2015-08-17


The main concern of this paper is knowledge production within the architectural education – how spatial constructs representing and constituting society may catalyze critical making and thinking. Starting from the proposition that the discourse of architectural history involves transformative experiences, I turn to theories of learning and performativity in order to suggest how transformations happening through architecture may be possible to direct and evaluate within educational systems. I discuss possibilities of history by referring to Nancy Stieber, Friedrich Nietzsche and Michel Foucault, the notion of learning through ideas from Gilles Deleuze, Peter Sloterdijk, Ray Land and Jan H.F. Meyer, and the performance as a spatial event by turning to Erika Fischer-Lichte. I hope this paper contributes to that the efficiency hailed within educational systems today is imbued by ambiguity, and that – in effect – the ability of those systems to address perplexing aspects of the society we live in, is enhanced.


learning; education; architectural history; performance; event


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