Last modified: 2014-09-11
The study has shown that, for GWP, material recycling is better than energy recovery for all the investigated plastic packaging treatment cases. It seems unlikely that local conditions can alter this conclusion.
Lyng, K.-A. og Modahl, I.S. (2011): Livsløpsanalyse for gjenvinning av plastemballasje fra norske husholdninger (LCA of recycling of plastic waste from Norwegian households). Østfoldforskning AS. In Norwegian. OR 10.11, September 2011.
Modahl, I.S., Askham, C., Lyng, K.-A., Skjerve-Nielssen, C. and Nereng, G. (2012): Comparison of two versions of an EPD, using generic and specific data for the foreground system, and some methodological implications. Int. J. Life Cycle Assessment, Springer-Verlag, online 17.May 2012. Volume 18, Issue 1 (2013), Page 241-251. DOI:
Raadal, H.L., Modahl, I.S. and Lyng, K.-A.: (2009): Klimaregnskap for avfallshåndtering (fase I og II) (Climate footprint of waste handling, phase I and II). In Norwegian. Østfoldforskning AS, OR 18.09, June 2009.