Chalmers Conferences, LCM 2013

Ali Daneshi, Abbas Esmaili-sari, Mohamad Daneshi, Henrikke Baumann

Last modified: 2014-09-11


To direct sustainability in agricultural sector via Life Cycle Management
(LCM), an easy access to high quality environmental, social and economical
data is important. In this study, we explored the possibility of performing
environmental life cycle assessment in Iranian dairy sector. Main life cycle
stages were examined for availability and quality of needed data. At each
stage, applicable databases are introduced. To spur life cycle studies, we
need legislation to encourage all parties by incentives for more sustainable
products. Next step may be to review & restructure already existed
databases, articles and grey publications to extract suitable data for LCI
stage. However, it is now possible to assess some impact categories in dairy


Dairy; LCA; Water; Feed; Data management


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