Chalmers Conferences, LCM 2013

Vera Pechenkina

Last modified: 2014-09-11


The goal of study is the understanding of impact agricultural production
cycles on land fertility and ways of management it. Soil fertility depends on
kinds of the fertility reproduction: restricted, simple, extended. Farmer can
lose profit from land usage if he has the restricted reproduction fertility. For
protection of soil fertility we offer using the self-supporting system of
incentives of sustainable land use.


fertility; consumption; reproduction; balance; profit


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Pechenkina V. 2010. Land Usage: Reproduction and Enhancement Efficiency. LAPLambert, pp. 32-95 (in Russian).

Pechenkina V.V.; Kalashnikova N. I. 2011. Environmental management system. International Symposium Euro-
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Steven C. Hodges 1995. Soil Fertility Basics, Soil. Science Extension North Carolina State University certified Crop Advisor Training,p.75. Available at:

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