Chalmers Conferences, LCM 2013

Y.F. Zhao, N. Perry, H. Andriankaja

Last modified: 2014-09-11


Environmental performances need product, processes and life cycle modeling and evaluations. There is direct need of assessment tools to monitor and estimate environmental impact generated by different types of manufacturing processes. Indeed, eco design and products optimizations can be done with the manufacturing process choices. But the manufacturing systems are very complex and they are driven by physicals laws that are heavy to model. This research proposes a manufacturing informatics framework for the assessment of manufacturing sustainability based on an EXPRESS information model developed to represent sustainability information. It is the first step of association of sustainability information with product design specification. In the next phase of research, investigation will be conducted to integrate sustainability information model and existing standardized product design model ISO 10303 AP 242.


manufacturing process; information model; STEP


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