Last modified: 2014-09-11
company’s profitability, but also its environmental and social compatibility.
However, for a company-specific assessment of such projects, the productrelated
life cycle methods are suitable to a limited extent, as the project’s
scope may be broader and moreover, for the implementing company not the
sustainability of the project itself, but the effects on the company are of
utmost interest. Thus a concept for a sustainable and firm-specific project
assessment is outlined, by designing a decision-oriented Life Cycle Costing
(LCC) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) followed by an overall
Sustainability Assessment extended by a Stakeholder-Effect-Analysis.
Guinée, J.B. (2002). Handbook on Life Cycle Assessment: Operational Guide to the ISO Standards. Dordrecht, NL: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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ökologisch und sozial ausgewogenen Bewertung. Linz, AT: doctoral thesis.
Labuschagne, C., & Brent, A.C. (2005). Sustainable Project Life Cycle Management. International Journal of Project Management. 23(2), 2005, 159-168. doi: 10.1016/j.ijproman.2004.06.003
Lewis, T.G. (1994). Steigerung des Unternehmenswertes. Landsberg am Lech, DE: Verlag Moderne Industrie.
Prammer, H.K. (1996). Einsatzgebiete und Leistungsfähigkeit ökobilanzieller Bewertungsverfahren (pp. 211-243). In. Malinsky, A.H. (Ed.) Betriebliche Umweltwirtschaft. Wiesbaden, DE: Gabler-Verlag.
Schaltegger, S. &Sturm,A. (1994). Ökologieorientierte Entscheidungen in Unternehmen. Bern, CH: Haupt-Verlag.
Schmitz, S., & Paulini, I. (1999). Valuation as an element of life cycle assessments. 1999 version. Berlin, DE: German Federal Environmental Agency.
Steven, M., Schwarz, E.J., & Letmathe, P. (1997). Umweltberichterstattung und Umwelterklärung nach der EGÖko-
Audit Verordnung. Berlin, DE: Springer-Verlag.
Riezler, S. (1996). Lebenszyklusrechnung. Wiesbaden, DE: Gabler-Verlag.