Chalmers Conferences, LCM 2013

Mabel Vega, Claudio Zaror, Claudia Peña, Carolina Scarinci

Last modified: 2014-09-11


Currently, there are plans to build five hydroelectric dams in Southern
Chile, amounting to 2,750 MW, with a total flooding area nearly 6,000 ha.
Given the relatively pristine ecosystem in Chilean Patagonia, where these
plants are to be located, potential environmental impacts associated with
this project have led to considerable public concern. This paper presents
results of the life cycle inventory related to the dam construction stage.
Hydroelectric dams require significant amounts of energy and building
materials during construction. Data was obtained from environmental
impact assessment official documents mainly, and the system boundaries
include cements, steel, and materials transport from production plants to
building sites. Results show that the flooding area does not correlate with
the installed power, and LCIs are highly dependent on topographic features,
and transport distances.


Life cycle inventory (LCI); construction; hydroelectric dam


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