Chalmers Conferences, LCM 2013

Niels Jungbluth, Karin Flury, Geneviève Doublet

Last modified: 2014-09-11


Nutrition accounts for 30% of environmental impacts caused by the final
consumption of Swiss households. It is the most important activity from an
environmental point of view. We investigated possibilities to reduce the
environmental impacts of food consumption, energy use and mobility in a
systematic approach for different behavioral options of consumers. Most
important improvements for nutrition can be expected on the level of diets
and especially in the reduction of meat consumption. The approach has also
been applied in the consumption sectors mobility and energy use of
households. It allows for a systematic comparison of the reduction potential
of environmental impacts due to different changes in consumer behavior.


food consumption; reduction potential; environmentally friendly diet; sustainable life style


Frischknecht, R., Steiner, R., & Jungbluth, N. (2009). The Ecological Scarcity Method - Eco-Factors 2006: A
method for impact assessment in LCA. Zürich und Bern: Federal Office for the Environment FOEN.

Jungbluth, N., & Itten, R. (2012). Umweltbelastungen des Konsums in der Schweiz und in der Stadt Zürich:
Grundlagendaten und Reduktionspotenziale. Zürich: ESU-services GmbH im Auftrag der Stadt Zürich.

Jungbluth, N., Itten, R., & Stucki, M. (2012). Umweltbelastungen des privaten Konsums und
Reduktionspotenziale. Uster, CH: ESU-services Ltd. im Auftrag des BAFU.

Jungbluth, N., Nathani, C., Stucki, M., & Leuenberger, M. (2011). Environmental impacts of Swiss consumption
and production: a combination of input-output analysis with life cycle assessment (pp. 171). Bern, CH:
ESU-services Ltd. & Rütter+Partner, commissioned by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment

Jungbluth, N., Tietje, O., & Scholz, R. (2000). Food Purchases: Impacts from the Consumers' Point of View
Investigated with a Modular LCA. Int J LCA, 5(3), 134-142.

Leuenberger, M., & Jungbluth, N. (2009). Ökoprofil von vegetarischen und fleischhaltigen
Grossküchenmahlzeiten. Uster, CH: ESU-services GmbH im Auftrag des WWF Schweiz.

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